Council Schedule Highlights Week of October 21st, 2019

Derek Young
6 min readOct 20, 2019


We’re gonna balance the budget with potato. Sometimes these headers are just for me.

Monday, October 21st, 2019

1:30 pm Community Development Committee

Derek Young, Chair
Dave Morell, Vice Chair
Marty Campbell
Jim McCune
Douglas G. Richardson

Regularly scheduled meetings are broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and channel 20 (Rainier Connect). Access meeting materials at

Proposal №2019–71, Planning and Public Works Department Duties, Efficiency and Sustainability Programs
Sponsored by: Councilmember Derek Young

Unfortunately we were never able to reach an agreement to move this compromise forward. Yes, this was the compromise bill and now that Councilmember Richardson has removed his name from it, there’s little point moving forward. Most recently I received language, apparently with the Executive’s support, that removed the word “climate” from a section talking about our response to climate impacts. That’s not going to cut it.

It was suggested earlier this year that we deal with the issue in the budget, so that’s the direction we’ll go. I’m proposing a series of amendments for up-or-down votes during the budget process. More on that later.

Update: After thinking a bit more about it, I am going to try to move the legislation forward as it stands. If it passes, that does most of the work that will need to be done in the budget.

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019

9:30 am Economic and Infrastructure Development Committee

Proposal №2019–76, Annual Road Program, Six-Year Road Program, and the Fourteen-Year Ferry Program
Sponsored by: Councilmember Douglas G. Richardson

Each year as part of the budget process we update our transportation plans to reflect the investments to be made.

Our Transportation Improvement Program is funded by a number of sources. Mostly from local the road levy, traffic impact fees, and real estate excise tax. We do receive a small amount of funds from state and federal governments, though that number has dwindled rapidly over the last 20 years.

Here are the line items of most interest countywide and on the peninsulas:

118 Ave NW — Minter Creek — Fish passage barrier removal $100,000. Planning scheduled for 2020 and construction in 2021.

86 Ave NW — Replace backwalls, wingwalls, and retaining walls adjacent to bridge. Construction scheduled for 2021.

Fox Island Bridge — Engineering practical design analysis for structurally deficient bridge $1.1 million. My understanding is that the completed Type/Size/Location analysis is with the Executive’s office waiting for recommendation. I’ll be following up during the budget to find out when we can expect that.

N Herron Rd NW — Bridge Seismic Retrofit $917,000. Construction appears to begin in 2020 and completing in 2021.

Cramer Rd NW over Glencove Ck — Replace bridge $4.2 million. Schedule is to continue analysis and engineering over the next biennium and constructing in 2023–25.

Key Peninsula Hwy shoulder improvements — Continues the shoulder widening program from 89 St Ct NW to 56 St NW (near KPMS). This work is completed in house so it doesn’t have an associated cost. There’s also study money in 2021 for continuing the improvements north to Hwy 302. The difficulty in this stretch is topography with a steep slop on each side of the road.

Key Peninsula Hwy NW / 134 Ave NW Intersection — Engineering for intersection improvements $140,000. Preliminary engineering is complete and we plan to take the initial ideas to the community.

186th Ave NW — Preliminary Engineering to determine scope and cost of providing connection to Herron Rd NW $160,000.

Lackey Rd NW / Jackson Lake Rd NW / Key Pen Hwy NW Intersection — Engineering for intersection improvements $175,000. Preliminary engineering is complete and we plan to take the initial ideas to the community.

Pt Fosdick Dr NW — Rehabilitate concrete roadway $2.2 million. Approx. 330 ft north of Stone Dr NW to 210 ft south of 36 St NW (Gig Harbor City Limits). Planning in 2021 with work being done in 2022.

Fillmore Rd NW — Asphalt overlay .1 mile east of Wollochet Dr NW to 370 ft west of 38 Av NW $646,000. Work to be completed in 2020.

Canyon Rd E— Widen and reconstruct roadway to provide additional lanes. There are several segments to this large project. In the next biennium:

  • $5.2 million — segment is 400 ft north of 84 St E to 72 St E.
  • $10.6 million 99 St Ct E to 900 ft north of 84 St E
  • Also expect the start of construction for a new roadway and overcrossing at the BNSF tracks as part of the Canyon Rd E Northerly Extension corridor improvements. Total project cost during the 6 year planning period $14 million.

ADA Program — 2020–2025 $ 5.3 million

Fish Passage Program — Although there isn’t much planned for this biennium as we continue to identify road culverts blocking fish passage, the plan calls for $4 million over the 6 year planning period. I’m looking for ways to accelerate this schedule.

2020 Asphalt Overlay Program — Rehabilitate, resurface roadway, and roadside elements $2.6 million in 2020 and $2.9 million in 2021.

Proposal №2019–80, Storm Drainage and Surface Water Management Service Charges
Sponsored by: Councilmember Douglas G. Richardson

Several years ago the County had several surface water basins which determined the fee charged to residents and businesses. Currently we have the same fee for all the unincorporated areas and I’ve been pushing for a fairer system based on impact. This is the staff’s current proposal.

Basically it charges a base rate for the rural areas. There are additional overlays for water quality in urban areas as well as those benefiting from flood control improvements in the rivers.

As you can see from the graphic, additional revenue will target fish barrier removal, water quality requirements from our federal pollution permit, as well as additional flood control. I’ll be looking for a way to expedite these projects. Puget Sound is in crisis and needs more immediate action.

Proposal №2019–82, Surface Water Improvement Program
Sponsored by: Councilmember Connie Ladenburg

The Surface Water Improvement Program is where we spend both the revenue raised through surface water management fees (Unincorporated Pierce County) and the Flood Control Zone District (countywide).

The peninsulas have three projects in this plan:

  • Purdy Creek Culvert at 160th St. NW — This replacement project will reduce local flooding and improve habitat. $1,305,262
  • Huge Creek Culvert at 160th St. NW — This replacement project will reduce local flooding and improve habitat. $993,343
  • Parkview Point-Retrofit — Retrofit a failing stormwater control system. Project originated as a maintenance issue. $657,618

3:00 pm Council Meeting

Regularly scheduled meetings are broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and channel 20 (Rainier Connect). Access meeting materials at

Proposal No. R2019–135, 2020 Historic Preservation Grant Fund Disbursement
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Connie Ladenburg and Derek Young

Here are the recommendations for this year in District 7.

  • Key Peninsula Historic Society-Vaughn Library Hall, Windows
  • The Longbranch Improvement Club, Preservation Phase III
  • Fort Nisqually Foundation, Curatorial Storage Shelves
  • Tacoma Historical Society, 26th Annual Historic Home Tour
  • Harbor History Museum, Conserving the Shenandoah
  • History Ink, Writing our History: Pierce County

My Weekly Calendar

A couple of years ago we got a request for my forward-looking calendar. Rather than have staff waste their time on public record requests, I decided to publish screenshots. Now I’m adding a link to the calendar as well. If you have questions, feel free to call. Keep in mind, my schedule isn’t static. Things will get added, deleted, changed, etc. There are conflicts that I have to pick between. But if people want to see where I’m at and who I meet with, that’s fine by me.



Derek Young
Derek Young

Written by Derek Young

Pierce County Councilmember. Serving Gig Harbor, Fox Island, Key Peninsula, Ruston, and parts of North and West Tacoma.

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