Council Schedule Highlights Week of May 25th, 2020
Due to Governor Inslee’s Emergency Proclamations 20–05 and 20–28, in-person attendance by members of the public at meetings of the Pierce County Council is NOT permitted at this time. Public participation must be done remotely. Remote attendance and participation is available as Council meetings are live broadcasted on Comcast 22; Click 22/522 HD and Rainier Connect 20/513 and can be streamed live on Remote public participation in Citizen’s Forum and public testimony on ordinances and resolutions on the Council Meeting Agenda is provided using Zoom by calling 253.215.8782. Note: Webinar IDs are listed below for each scheduled meeting.
Wednesday, May 27th, 2020
1:30 pm Committee of the Whole
CARES Act Weekly Report
Because of the unusual way our Council chose to appropriate $158m in CARES Act funding — giving near-total control to the Executive — I asked for weekly reports in Committee of the Whole. This will be the second report.
You can get a sense of what’s been done to date in the presentation here.
2020–2021 Budget Review
Unfortunately, the economic damage done by COVID-19 is staggering. We’re experiencing dual supply and demand shocks that have been devastating to workers. It’s also putting enormous strain on state and local budgets with both increased demand for services while reducing revenue. Unlike the federal government, we can’t borrow run operations.
Initially, we expected the federal government to support revenue replacement, and the House has passed a bill doing so. However, the Senate majority leader has made it clear he doesn’t support such a move. We learned from the Great Recession that cuts to state and local government payrolls slowed recovery. The depression we’re hurtling toward now will be far worse than what we experienced a decade ago.
Covid-19 Town Hall
When May 27th 4:30 pm
Where Virtual via ZOOM
Meeting ID: 846 6823 3138
Password: 268267
Call-in option: (253) 215–8782 (use id & password)
Topics to Cover: Pierce County & Relief Funds · Information · Q & A
Derek Young, Pierce County Councilmember Dist. 7
Dr. Anthony Chen, Director of Health- Tacoma Pierce County Health Department
Heather Moss, Director, Pierce County Human Services
Betty Capestany, Director, Economic Development