Council Schedule Highlights Week of March 26th, 2018

Derek Young
4 min readMar 26, 2018


This week I’ll be speaking at a couple events:

  • Tacoma Chamber West Side Wake Up
    Friday, March 30th, 7:30am
    Salvation Army 1110 S Puget Sound
  • KP Lion’s Club Citizen of the Year Awards
    Saturday, March 31st, 6:00pm
    Key Peninsula Civic Center, details here

Monday, MARCH 26th, 2018

10:00am Rules Committee

Douglas G. Richardson, Chair
Connie Ladenburg, Vice Chair
Dan Roach, Executive Pro Tempore

Regularly scheduled meetings are broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect). Meeting materials and video can be accessed at

Proposal No. R2018–35, Contract for Legal Notices A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Authorizing the County Executive to Enter Into a One-Year Contract for Publishing Legal Notices for Pierce County.

Sponsored by: Councilmembers Douglas G. Richardson and Derek Young

Each year local governments are required to establish an Official Newspaper to publish legal notices in. Technically, the law allows for the County to use any newspaper within our borders. That often meant small community weeklies with low distribution were selected, meaning that few would see the notice and its schedule created operational problems. We started using The News Tribune when I arrived on the Council. It costs more but more people receive it and by publishing daily, allows for more flexibility.

1:30pm Public Safety, Human Services, and Budget

Dan Roach, Chair
Derek Young, Vice Chair
Connie Ladenburg
Jim McCune
Pam Roach

This meeting will be broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect) Electronic meeting material can be accessed at archives are available at

Presentation on the Introduction to the Community Liaison Deputy Program
Presenter: Chief Jim Heishman, Bureau Chief, Sheriff’s Department

The CLD program is new to Pierce County. The idea was to create a unit that could work issues that take more time and attention than patrol deputies typically have. This is our first check-in to see how things are going.

Presentation on the Sexually Violent Predators Report
Presenter: Mark Lindquist, Pierce County Prosecutor

A difficult subject but part of the important work the Prosecutor’s Office does on our behalf.

Tuesday, MARCH 27th, 2017

9:30 Economic and Infrastructure Committee Meeting

Douglas G. Richardson, Chair
Connie Ladenburg, Vice Chair
Pam Roach
Jim McCune
Derek Young

This meeting will be broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect) Electronic meeting material can be accessed at archives are available at

Presentation on the Lodging Tax Report
Presenter: Rob Allen, Economic Development Department

Lodging tax is charged at hotels to pay for things that help generate more overnight stays. “Heads in beds” is the governing mantra so the program is literally designed to benefit the hotels being taxed. Traditionally, most of the County’s lodging tax came from hotels serving the mountain so that was the focus of our marketing efforts. Now that’s shifted back towards the I-5 area, particularly in and around JBLM in Chair Richardson’s district.

The only lodging tax paying hotels we have in District 7 pay to the cities.

5:30pm Council Meeting Note location & time change

Orting Multi-Purpose Center 202 Washington Avenue South Orting, Washington (District №1)

Regularly scheduled meetings are broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect). Electronic meeting material can be accessed

This is the first of our “In-District” meetings required by the County Charter. Each year the Council must visit each district for at least once. Ours will be later this year. Have any thoughts for location? We’ve held them previously at the Key Peninsula Civic Center and Gig Harbor Civic Center.

Performance Audit Report: Pierce County School Impact Fee Program Review
Presenter: Bill Vetter, County Council Staff

This is the study that informed my bill to increase construction impact fees for schools. Read more about it here.

Studies that are conducted through our Performance Audit program must be reported out in an evening Council meeting. This was the first available time.

Cities and Towns, Historical Society, River and Community Presentations:

  • Joshua Penner, Mayor of the City of Orting — City Update
  • Pat Johnson, Mayor of the City of Buckley — City Update
  • Stu Terry, Mayor of Town of South Prairie — Town Update
  • Jeff Sellers, Mayor of the Town of Wilkeson — Town Update
  • Sam Colorossi, Orting Historical Society — Presentation
  • Terry Maves, South Hill Historical Society — Presentation
  • Jennifer Slaughter, The Haven Teen Center, Orting — Presentation
  • Julie Bevaart, Buckley Youth Center — Presentation
  • Monica Gaub, Prairie Ridge Connections — Presentation
  • Town of Carbonado — Town Update

My Weekly Calendar

Last year we got a request for my forward looking calendar. Rather than have staff waste their time on public record requests, I decided to publish screenshots. If you have questions, feel free to call. Keep in mind, my schedule isn’t static. Things will get added, deleted, changed, etc. There are conflicts that I have to pick between. But if people want to see where I’m at and who I meet with, that’s fine by me.



Derek Young
Derek Young

Written by Derek Young

Pierce County Councilmember. Serving Gig Harbor, Fox Island, Key Peninsula, Ruston, and parts of North and West Tacoma.

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