Council Schedule Highlights Week of June 29th, 2020
Due to Governor Inslee’s Emergency Proclamations 20–05 and 20–28, in-person attendance by members of the public at meetings of the Pierce County Council is NOT permitted at this time. Public participation must be done remotely. Remote attendance and participation is available as Council meetings are live broadcasted on Comcast 22; Click 22/522 HD and Rainier Connect 20/513 and can be streamed live on Remote public participation in Citizen’s Forum and public testimony on ordinances and resolutions on the Council Meeting Agenda is provided using Zoom by calling 253.215.8782. Note: Webinar IDs are listed below for each scheduled meeting.
Monday, June 29th, 2020
1:30 pm Committee of the Whole
CARES Act Weekly Report
Presenter: Gary Robinson, Director of Finance
In addition to the regular, weekly review of funding approvals, the Executive has reached the 60% cap established by Council before a further appropriation is required. Staff will present his proposal for the expenditure of the remaining funds. You can see a preview of the recommendations in the committee packet.
2020–2021 Pierce County Budget Review
Presenter: Paul Bocchi, Senior Legislative Analyst
We continue to monitor the health of our regular budget with a deteriorating revenue forecast. Without action by Congress to support revenue replacement, we will need to make deep, painful cuts to vital services.
Tuesday, June 30th, 2020
9:30 am Human Services Committee
Derek Young, Chair
Connie Ladenburg, Vice-Chair
Marty Campbell
Dave Morell
Douglas G. Richardson
This will be my first meeting as chair of a remote meeting, so be prepared for technical issues.
Review of Potential Housing for COVID-19 Related to Permanent Supportive Housing
Presenter: John Barbee, Human Services Division Manager
Since we know we’ll likely need quarantine and isolation housing beyond the end of the year when CARES Act funding must be committed, and we already have a housing crisis that predates the COVID pandemic, some in the housing committee have asked us to consider purchasing an apartment building or motel with the funds.
Childcare Program Update
Presenters: Heather Moss, Director, Human Services Department
Phoebe Anderson, CEO, Child Care Resources
Susan Barbeau, Executive Director, First 5 Fundamentals
We know access to affordable child care is a significant barrier for workers. It was a challenge before COVID, but the pandemic has meant enormous disruption for the industry. People kept their children home, and facilities lost workers who feared for their own safety. Child care providers already struggled with thin margins now face high costs to reopen.
This presentation will update on new initiatives with our partners at Child Care Resources and First 5 Fundamentals (they run our Help Me Grow program) to help families find affordable child care.
Point in Time Presentation
Presenter: John Barbee, Human Services Division Manager, Human Services
The annual Point in Time count is an annual survey of people experiencing homelessness all over Pierce County. We also use the Homeless Management Information System to track case numbers. They’re two different ways of measuring that provide different information.
This year’s PIT count results were delayed because of COVID, and the results are alarming. They show a 28% increase in overall homelessness and a 45% increase in people without shelter. While some of that is due to a change in methodology, most of our partners agree that the increase is real.
Keep in mind the PIT count was conducted at the end of January, so this won’t reflect what’s going on now with the recession/depression. In fact, with many housing protections and expanded unemployment coming to an end, most advocates expect a wave of homelessness to hit in the next couple of months.