Council Schedule Highlights Week of June 25th, 2018

Derek Young
5 min readJun 24, 2018


Monday, JUNE 25th, 2017

11:00am Monday Study Session

Pacific Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Update, Pierce Transit

Last month Councilmembers Ladenburg, Richardson, staff, and myself toured Snohomish County’s Bus Rapid Transit line. We wanted to get a feel for the way it operated and how that might translate in the proposed project along Hwy 7 from Tacoma to Spanaway.

I’m typically not a fan of these sorts of political dog-and-pony shows, but it exceeded my expectations substantially. First, by making an unbelievable claim, and then by delivering on it.

In the discussion before boarding a bus in regular operation, Community Transit’s BRT supervisor said they wanted 12 second dwell times meaning an average time stopped at each station. Everything from rubber bumpers along the curb to quickly pull in the bus to pre-boarding ticketing makes it work.

I should also note the similarity in the routes. Both corridors are largely characterized by 1970’s-80’s style sprawl. Strip malls, parking lots, and as unfriendly to pedestrians as one can imagine.

Shoreline Management Plan Discussion

Protecting Puget Sound shoreline is critical to its health and our way of life.

When I arrived on the Council I made passing the long overdue Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) update a top priority and we got it done. However, the State’s Shoreline Management Act, which requires local governments to adopt SMPs, grants Ecology veto power over our plan.

Unlike other laws which are deemed compliant until appealed, Ecology gets prior approval on our local plans.

As a result, our SMP has been in limbo as we negotiated to protect important elements of our plan. While Ecology relented on a number of issues, a core dispute remains over aquaculture, specifically geoduck farming.

At this point I have a difficult choice. Stick with regulations for the shoreline passed before I was born, or accept the State’s demands to allow for additional geoduck farms.

1:30pm Public Safety, Human Services, and Budget

Dan Roach, Chair
Derek Young, Vice Chair
Connie Ladenburg
Jim McCune
Pam Roach

This meeting will be broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect) Electronic meeting material can be accessed at archives are available at

Juvenile Update
Presenters: TJ Bohl, Juvenile Court Administrator, Superior Court

Annual update from Juvenile Court. I’ll be particular interested in the dependency hearing and removal numbers.

Tuesday, JUNE 26th, 2017

9:30am Economic and Infrastructure Development Committee Meeting

Douglas G. Richardson, Chair
Connie Ladenburg, Vice Chair
Pam Roach
Jim McCune
Derek Young

This meeting will be broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect) Electronic meeting material can be accessed at Video archives are available at

Pierce County Airport Business Plan Presentation
Presenters: Lauren Behm, Planning and Public Works

Staff have been working with airport stakeholder to develop a business plan to make the airports more financially self-sufficient. My understanding is that this will include some additional hangers and business development on the west side of the property along with a grass runway.

Proposed Contract: Evaluation of Pierce County Costs for Sheltering Animals

Pierce County has contracted with the Humane Society for animal shelter costs for many years. The cost of that contract has recently exploded. This performance audit is to evaluate our costs and presumably, recommend alternatives.

3:00pm Council Meeting

This meeting will be broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect) Electronic meeting material can be accessed at Video archives are available at

R2018–71A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Creating a Committee to Prepare Arguments Advocating Voter Approval of Charter Amendment №48, Said Arguments to Be Included in the 2018 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet; Creating a Committee to Prepare Arguments Advocating Voter Rejection of Charter Amendment №48, Said Arguments to Be Included in the 2018 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet; and Appointing Members to the Newly Created Committees. (For and Against Committees — Charter Amendment №48)

R2018–72A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Creating a Committee to Prepare Arguments Advocating Voter Approval of Charter Amendment №49, Said Arguments to Be Included in the 2018 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet; Creating a Committee to Prepare Arguments Advocating Voter Rejection of Charter Amendment №49, Said Arguments to Be Included in the 2018 General Election Voters’ Pamphlet; and Appointing Members to the Newly Created Committees. (For and Against Committees — Charter Amendment №49)

These two resolutions have been continued a couple times as we looked for members to fill the committees. I believe we have names for the biennial budgeting committee including District 7’s own Katie Baird. Katie is a former Charter Review Commissioner and professor at UWT.

R2018–79A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Confirming the Appointment of Betty Nokes Capestany as the Director of the Economic Development Department. (Economic Development Director — Confirmation)

Have a question that you want me to ask in the confirmation hearing?

Wednesday, JUNE 27th, 2017

1:30pm Community Development Committee

Rick Talbert, Chair
Dan Roach, Vice Chair
Douglas G. Richardson
Derek Young
Jim McCune

Regularly scheduled meetings are broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect). Meeting materials and video can be accessed

Proposal No. R2018–80, Tehaleh Development Agreement Initiation A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Initiating a Development Agreement Pursuant to Section 18A.100.060 of the Pierce County Code; Directing the Department of Planning and Public Works (PPW) to Negotiate Acceptable Terms and Conditions to be Incorporated into a Development Agreement for the Tehaleh Employment Based Planned Community (EBPC); and Requesting PPW Forward an Ordinance and Proposed Development Agreement to the Council for Phase 2 of the Tehaleh EBPC for its Consideration.

Sponsored by: Councilmembers Dan Roach and Rick Talbert

Tehaleh is a large master planned community on the plateau south of Bonney Lake. This resolution initiates negotiations on a development agreement for their next phase.

My Weekly Calendar

Last year we got a request for my forward looking calendar. Rather than have staff waste their time on public record requests, I decided to publish screenshots. If you have questions, feel free to call. Keep in mind, my schedule isn’t static. Things will get added, deleted, changed, etc. There are conflicts that I have to pick between. But if people want to see where I’m at and who I meet with, that’s fine by me.



Derek Young
Derek Young

Written by Derek Young

Pierce County Councilmember. Serving Gig Harbor, Fox Island, Key Peninsula, Ruston, and parts of North and West Tacoma.

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