Council Schedule Highlights Week of January 22nd, 2018
Monday, JANUARY 22nd, 2018
1:30pm Public Safety, Human Services, and Budget
Dan Roach, Chair
Derek Young, Vice Chair
Connie Ladenburg
Jim McCune
Pam Roach
This meeting will be broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect) Electronic meeting material can be accessed at Video archives are available at
Discussion on the Puget Sound Auto Theft Task Force
Presenters: Chief Jim Heishman, Pierce County Sheriff
At Tuesday’s regular Council meeting we will vote on an interlocal agreement to form an Auto Theft Task Force with agencies along the I-5 corridor in Pierce and South King County. These multi-jurisdictional agencies are common to deal with persistent problems crossing our boundaries.
Tuesday, JANUARY 23rd, 2017
9:30 Economic and Infrastructure Committee Meeting
Douglas G. Richardson, Chair
Connie Ladenburg, Vice Chair
Pam Roach
Jim McCune
Derek Young
This meeting will be broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect) Electronic meeting material can be accessed at Video archives are available at
Review of Thun Field Airport Fuel Concession Recommendations Pursuant to Ordinance №2016–64s2
Last year staff proposed taking over fuel sales at Thun Field. The Council requested a study to see if this was something best left to the private sector.
Review of Tacoma Narrows Airport Hangar Lease Rate Recommendations Pursuant to Ordinance №2016–64s2
Members of the Tacoma Narrows Airport Advisory Commission have complained that lease rates for facilities are above market. I asked for an independent market analysis through the Performance Audit Committee. This is the committee hearing for results which suggested that rates are currently at market.
Regularly scheduled meetings are broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect). Electronic meeting material can be accessed
Proposal No. R2017–122, Puget Sound Auto Theft Task Force A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Authorizing the Pierce County Executive or Designee to Execute an Interlocal Agreement with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, King County Prosecutor’s Office, and the Municipalities of Auburn, Bonney Lake, Federal Way, Lakewood, Tacoma, and Tukwila for the Creation of the Puget Sound Auto Theft Task Force.
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Connie Ladenburg, Rick Talbert, and Pam Roach
Vote on the task force mentioned above.
Report on the Implementation of the 2016 HSRI Pierce County Behavioral Health System
Presenter: Bevin Croft, MPP, PhD, Research Associate, Human Services Research Institute
Followup on the behavioral health study we had conducted in 2016. We’ve been unable to implement most of the recommendations due to lack of funding, but some do not require new resources. This will be a discussion of that implementation.
Wednesday, JANUARY 24th, 2017
10:00 am Performance Audit Committee
Councilmember Jim McCune, Chair
Councilman Dan Roach
Councilmember Derek Young
Gary Robinson, Director of Budget and Finance
Andrew Tedesco, Member-at-Large
Nicholas Bayard, Member-at-Large
Proposed Contract for Evaluation of Broadband Access and Speed in Pierce County
I proposed this countywide broadband study a year ago and we’re finally ready to award the contract to conduct the work. It will look at regulatory changes and strategies to encourage broadband infrastructure development and partnerships with a particular focus on rural areas where investment has been slower.
My Weekly Calendar
Last year we got a request for my forward looking calendar. Rather than have staff waste their time on public record requests, I’m just going to start publishing screen shots. Keep in mind, my schedule isn’t static. Things will get added, deleted, changed, etc. There are conflicts that I have to pick between. But if people want to see where I’m at and who I meet with, that’s fine by me.