Council Schedule Highlights Week of February 20th, 2017

Derek Young
3 min readFeb 20, 2017


Monday, FEBRUARY 20th, 2017

President’s Day — Pierce County Offices will be closed though I’ll be in.

Tuesday, FEBRUARY 21st, 2017

3:00pm County Council Meeting

Council meetings are audio recorded and cablecast from gavel to gavel. Meetings are broadcast live and replayed beginning the next day on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect). Video archives are available at Audio equipment is available for the hearing impaired. Please contact the receptionist for assistance

Consent Agenda —

Proposal №2017–6, An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Adopting the 2017 Amendments to the Pierce County Comprehensive Plan Policies and Land Use Designations; “Gig Harbor Community Plan” Policies; and “Key Peninsula Community Plan” Policies; Adopting Findings of Fact; and Setting Forth an Effective Date.

Sponsored by: Councilmember Derek Young

Normally I don’t post about the Consent Agenda. It’s main purpose is just scheduling, but one item warrants special note. This proposal is the culmination of our Comprehensive Plan Amendment process. Included in the recommendation of significant interest are Agricultural Resource Lands, Urban Growth Boundary changes, and docks in the Conservancy SEDs.

These issues will be heard in the Community Development Committee on March 6th. I would anticipate more than one meeting in committee on this subject.

Proposal No. R2016–142s, A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Related to Damaging Waves on Crescent Lake; Requesting the Boating Advisory Commission to Conduct a Review of the Scope and Effectiveness of the Regulatory Requirements for Such Activities Set Forth in Section 8.88.480 of the Pierce County Code and Other Related Code Provisions; and Requesting the Boating Advisory Commission to Forward Any Recommendations Regarding the Same to the Council by a Date Certain.

Sponsored by: Councilmembers Derek Young and Connie Ladenburg

Final action on a resolution requesting the Boating Advisory Commission review and recommend potential changes to the rules governing Crescent Lake on the Gig Harbor Peninsula in response to destructive wakes created by certain kinds of boats. My desire is for the commission can take up the issue at their nextmeeting and return a recommendation to Council prior to summer.

Wednesday, FEBRUARY 22nd, 2017


Councilmember Jim McCune
Councilmember Connie Ladenburg
Councilmember Dan Roach
Gary Robinson, Budget and Finance Director
Andrew Tedesco, Member-at-Large
Nicholas Bayard, Member-at-Large
Councilmember Derek Young (Alternate)

Proposed Request for Proposals: Designation of County Employees as Full time and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Exempt

This issue came up during our budget retreat last year. Due to a decision made years ago for budget cuts, a substantial number of county employees are 35 rather than 40 hour employees. The purpose of the study is to look at how many and what the budget impact might be.

Proposed Request for Proposals: Evaluation of County Employee Health Care Contributions (Tentative)

I’m uncertain if this will move forward as it’s a potentially bargainable issue.

Discussion of Scope and Objectives: Tacoma Narrows Airport Hangar Lease Rate Study

This is a proviso I sponsored in response to a request from TNA users who say the rates we charge are over market. This would be an independent study that takes the condition of the facilities into consideration, neither of which have been parts of the previous analysis.

Thursday, FEBRUARY 23rd, 2017 - Wednesday, MARCH 1st, 2017

National Association of Counties Legislative Conference

Councilwomen Ladenburg, Roach, and I will be traveling to Washington, DC for the annual NACo Legislative Conference. I’ll be spending most of my time in my Health Policy Committee and meetings with Congressional Staff. But as always, there’s opportunity to get new ideas to bring back.

My Council Assistant John Jolibois will be in the office and I’ll be responding to calls and emails during breaks.



Derek Young
Derek Young

Written by Derek Young

Pierce County Councilmember. Serving Gig Harbor, Fox Island, Key Peninsula, Ruston, and parts of North and West Tacoma.

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