Council Schedule Highlights Week of August 7th, 2017
Monday, AUGUST 7th, 2017
10:00am Rules Committee
Douglas G. Richardson, Chair
Rick Talbert, Vice Chair
Dan Roach, Executive Pro Tempore
This meeting will be broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect). Electronic meeting material can be accessed at Video archives are available at
Proposal No. R2017–74, Confirmation — Parks and Recreation Services Director A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Confirming the Appointment of Roxanne E. Miles as the Director of the Parks and Recreation Services Department.
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Connie Ladenburg and Derek Young
Confirmation of the new Director of Parks and Recreation Services Department. Ms. Miles comes to Pierce County after 25 years of public service, including 15 years in public parks and recreation leadership at Metro Parks Tacoma. Most recently she’s been the Business & Financial Operations Manager for Pierce County Planning and Public Works.
Proposal No. R2017–87, Letter of Intent — Integration of Physical and Behavioral Health Care for Medicaid Recipients by January 1, 2019 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Authorizing the Pierce County Executive and the Pierce County Council to Execute a Binding Letter of Intent Between Pierce County and the Washington State Health Care Authority to Integrate Physical and Behavioral Health Care for Medicaid Recipients by January 1, 2019.
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Connie Ladenburg, Rick Talbert, Douglas G. Richardson and Derek Young
By January 1, 2020, community behavioral health programs must be fully integrated in Pierce County and the rest of the state in a managed care health system that provides mental health services, chemical dependency services, and medical care services to Medicaid clients.
Unless the County exercises the opportunity to become what is known as a “mid-adopter”, the fully integrated system will be designed by others without the County’s participation. I’ve been urging an oversight and accountability role for the County that’s currently lacking in the Behavioral Health Organization system.
1:30pm Community Development Committee
Derek Young, Chair
Douglas G. Richardson, Vice Chair
Rick Talbert
Jim McCune
Pam Roach
This meeting will be broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect). Electronic meeting material can be accessed at Video archives are available at
Community Plans Update
Presenter: Dan Cardwell, Planning and Public Works
During the 2015 Comprehensive Plan update we received a number of requests to update various community plans around the County. Because most of the growth pressures are in the urban unincorporated areas, we decided to start with those communities first.
One thing I want to be clear about since there’s been some confusion over this — there is no additional growth being anticipated or planned for in these areas. None. The population allocation will remain the same. What we are trying to do is use some better planning methods to increase density nearest transportation corridors. This should also create some opportunities for more affordable housing choices.
Staff has already done extensive community outreach. This will be an opportunity for feedback and direction from the committee. The full report can be viewed here.
Tuesday, AUGUST 8th, 2017
3:00pm County Council Meeting
Council meetings are audio recorded and cablecast from gavel to gavel. Meetings are broadcast live and replayed beginning the next day on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect). Video archives are available at Audio equipment is available for the hearing impaired. Please contact the receptionist for assistance.
Proposal №2017–42, Chambers Creek Regional Park Master Site Plan Update, 2017 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Repealing Ordinance №2006–139, “Chambers Creek Properties Master Site Plan Update, 2007,” and Adopting the “Chambers Creek Regional Park Master Site Plan Update, 2017”; Initiating Any Amendment Actions to County Plans and Codes and Proposing Any Amendment Actions to the Cities’ Plans and Codes, Which May Be Necessary to Enable Implementation of the Master Site Plan; and Commending the Members of the Resource Team and Management Team for Their Dedication in Developing the Master Site Plan Update.
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Connie Ladenburg and Douglas G. Richardson
The master plan update was heard in committee last week and has already been approved by the city councils in University Place and Lakewood. Although the bulk of the update is positive I have a concern about locating long term housing on the golf course that I need to look into before supporting the plan.
Proposal No. R2017–76, Meeting Times — Council Retreats and Committee of the Whole A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Establishing Meeting Times for Council Retreats and Committee of the Whole Meetings for Consideration of County Budget Issues in 2017.
Sponsored by: Councilmember Douglas G. Richardson Council
Yes, it’s already budget time. You can see the proposed calendar for the budget retreats and Committees of the Whole above.
Proposal No. R2017–87, Letter of Intent — Integration of Physical and Behavioral Health Care for Medicaid Recipients by January 1, 2019 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Authorizing the Pierce County Executive and the Pierce County Council to Execute a Binding Letter of Intent Between Pierce County and the Washington State Health Care Authority to Integrate Physical and Behavioral Health Care for Medicaid Recipients by January 1, 2019.
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Connie Ladenburg, Rick Talbert, Douglas G. Richardson and Derek Young
Same issue as will be heard in Rules Committee above. It’s very unusual to have a bill in committee and scheduled for final in the same week but we’ve got a deadline to meet.
Friday, AUGUST 11th, 2017
9:30am Ad Hoc Committee on Budget
Douglas G. Richardson, Chair
Dan Roach, Vice Chair
Derek Young, Member
Discussion of 2nd Quarter Financials
Sales tax receipts have rebounded but I expect we’ll be taking a closer look at where we’re at for expenditures, particularly in the Corrections Bureau and Department of Assigned Counsel which indicated some early cost overruns.
Believe it or not, we’re already starting to talk about next year’s budget. This one is typically more of an overview of the budget as it currently stands, a tentative forecast on what will be available, and beginning to set some Council priorities.
11:00am Ad Hoc Committee on Human Services
Discussion — Trueblood Grant proposals
Presenter: Carol Mitchell, Director of Justice Services & Special Projects
The Trueblood decision is related to the State’s ongoing inability to get timely evaluations for people incarcerated while waiting for competency evaluations in county jails. We now must transport prisoners to far away facilities in Yakima and Centralia incurring additional cost.
Discussion — District Court Behavioral Health Services
Presenters: Elizabeth Hickman, Probation Supervisor, Andrew Gelstin, Probation Officer
A major goal for many of us on the Council is to increase the use of therapeutic courts and other diversions from the criminal justice system for people suffering from a behavioral health disorder.
My Weekly Calendar
Earlier this year we got a request for my forward looking calendar. Rather than have staff waste their time on public record requests, I’m just going to start publishing screen shots. Keep in mind, my schedule isn’t static. Things will get added, deleted, changed, etc. There are conflicts that I have to pick between. But if people want to see where I’m at and who I meet with, that’s fine by me.