Council Schedule Highlights Week of April 2nd, 2018

Derek Young
6 min readApr 2, 2018


Monday, APRIL 2nd, 2018

10:00am Rules Committee

Douglas G. Richardson, Chair
Connie Ladenburg, Vice Chair
Dan Roach, Executive Pro Tempore

Regularly scheduled meetings are broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect). Meeting materials and video can be accessed at

Proposal №2018–11, 2018 Budget Supplemental An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Ordinance №2017–73s3; Modifying the 2018 Pierce County Budget. (Continued from the March 12, 2018, Rules and Operations Committee Meeting)

Sponsored by: Councilmembers Douglas G. Richardson, Dan Roach and Derek Young

Sales tax revenue collection is exceeding projections from last fall so we have some room to make additional investments. The addition of five deputies for the Sheriff and one for the Prosecutor’s Office will continue our commitment to additional public safety investments. Unfortunately we know there’s still significantly greater need.

There’s also a proposal for $1 million in property acquisition that I will likely oppose. My general disposition is more in favor of liquidating surplus properties and putting those dollars toward the mountain of deferred maintenance on county facilities, not accumulating more.

The bill is scheduled for final consideration on April 10th.

1:30pm Community Development Committee

Rick Talbert, Chair
Dan Roach, Vice Chair
Douglas G. Richardson
Derek Young
Jim McCune

Regularly scheduled meetings are broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect). Meeting materials and video can be accessed at

Proposal №2018–13, School Impact Fees An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Related to School Impact Fees; Amending Pierce County Code (PCC) Chapter 4A.30, “School Impact Fees”, Including Increasing the Maximum Fee Obligation and Modifying the Inflation Indexing Methodology; Amending PCC Chapter 4A.10, “Impact Fees — General Requirements”; and Setting an Effective Date.

Sponsored by: Councilmember Derek Young

Impact fees are designed to make new development help pay for its impact to services. This would be the first significant increase in construction impact fees for schools in over a decade. My new amendment will slightly reduce the final amount and spread the increase over three years instead of two. Read more here.

Proposal No. R2018–39, Water Utility Coordinating Committee Membership and Scope of Coordinated Water System Plan Update A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Updating the Pierce County Water Utility Coordinating Committee (WUCC) Membership and Authorizing the WUCC to Review and Update the Pierce County Coordinated Water System (CWSP); and Approving the Scope of the CWSP Update.

Sponsored by: Councilmember Derek Young

It’s been 15 years since our the last update of our Coordinated Water System Plan. This resolution initiates the process and updates committee membership (over 100 voting and non-voting members!!!) One key discussion point is ensuring that all systems, especially smaller ones, are making appropriate investments to maintain the infrastructure. Unfortunately we’ve been running into cases where the County is forced to take over systems that are failing for one reason or another, burdening taxpayers, and hurting customers.

I also want to take a look at efficiencies that might be achieved through shared infrastructure. You can see the rest of the scope in Exhibit D at the end of the bill document in the link above.

Proposal №2018–15, Countywide Planning Policies An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Acknowledging its Approval of Proposed Policies in the Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies as Recommended by the Pierce County Regional Council; Authorizing the Pierce County Executive to Execute Interlocal Agreements with the Cities and Towns of Pierce County to Ratify the Proposed Amendments; Amending Chapter 19D.240 of the Pierce County Code, “Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies,” Upon Ratification; and Adopting Findings of Fact.

Sponsored by: Councilmembers Connie Ladenburg and Derek Young

Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs) set the ground rules for each jurisdiction’s comprehensive plans. This amendment would alter how the County can adjust the urban growth area, responsive to local conditions and market needs, without a net increase in the UGA. The recommendation comes from the Pierce County Regional Council where each jurisdiction is represented. I will likely be recommending a tweak to ensure consistency with the Growth Management Act but will wait until after we hear the bill.

Tuesday, APRIL 3rd, 2017

9:30am Select Committee on Human Services

Connie Ladenburg, Chair
Rick Talbert, Vice Chair
Douglas G. Richardson

Quarterly Presentation on Mobile Community Intervention Response Team (MCIRT)
Presenters: Kim Zacher, CEO, Comprehensive Life Resources; and James Pogue, Director of Homeless Outreach, Comprehensive Life Resources

MCIRT is the new mobile outreach program designed to proactively work with people suffering from behavioral health issues, often utilizing emergency services, and transition them to more traditional services. Like the MOCT program, we’ve asked for quarterly updates on progress.

Quarterly Presentation on Mobile Outreach Crisis Team (MOCT)
Presenters: Silvia Riley, Manager Crisis Services, Behavioral Health Services, MultiCare Health System; and Ian Callahan, Supervisor Crisis Services, Behavioral Health Services, MultiCare Health System

MOCT is a crisis response program operated by MultiCare that we are attempted to scale up. Like the MCIRT program, we’ve asked for quarterly updates on progress.

Presentation of the Point in Time Count Report
Presenter: Tess Colby, Housing, Community Development and Homeless Programs Manager, Human Services Department, (253) 798–6139

Report on our annual Point in Time Count of people experiencing homelessess. This year we changed methodology so you can expect the count to be higher just through increased observation, but we also believe the information will be more useful.

3:00pm Council Meeting

Proposal №2018–13, School Impact Fees An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Pierce County Code Chapter 4A.10, “Impact Fees — General Requirements,” and Chapter 4A.30, “School Impact Fees,” Increasing the Maximum Fee Obligation and Modifying the Inflation Indexing Methodology; and Setting an Effective Date.

Sponsored by: Councilmember Derek Young

This is the scheduled final consideration for the bill described above.

Proposal No. R2018–32, Initiating an Evaluation of a Prohibition of the Siting of Supervised Drug Consumption Sites A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Expressing its Intention to Prohibit the Siting of Supervised Drug Consumption Sites in Unincorporated Pierce County; Requesting the Planning and Public Works Department to Conduct an Evaluation of Potential Amendments to Title 18 and Title 18A of the Pierce County Code, Conduct the Necessary Environmental Review, and Forward the Proposal to the Planning Commission for Review and Recommendations Back to the County Council by a Date Certain.

Sponsored by: Councilmembers Jim McCune and Pam Roach

This resolution would ask the Planning Commission for a recommendation on prohibiting drug consumption sites in unincorporated Pierce County. A recommendation would then come back to the Council for final adoption in a couple months.

As I’ve said before, this proposal is totally preemptive. There is no proposal from anyone to create such facilities anyway in Pierce County.

I’m pushing for a public health response to the Opioid Epidemic because it’s a public health crisis. Our Sheriff and Prosecutor agree that we can’t incarcerate our way out of this problem. That said, we will likely never have the resources to attempt all the strategies recommended by the Task Force I co-chair, let alone attempt more legally questionable strategies like this.

If we want to move Pierce County forward, save lives, and reduce the impact of this epidemic on our community, getting this off the table is an easy decision for me.

Introduction of the 2018 Daffodil Festival Queen and Royal Court

Every year we welcome the Daffodil Queen and Court to make a presentation to the Council. This year’s Queen is Allie Brooks from Lincoln High School.

My Weekly Calendar

Last year we got a request for my forward looking calendar. Rather than have staff waste their time on public record requests, I decided to publish screenshots. If you have questions, feel free to call. Keep in mind, my schedule isn’t static. Things will get added, deleted, changed, etc. There are conflicts that I have to pick between. But if people want to see where I’m at and who I meet with, that’s fine by me.



Derek Young
Derek Young

Written by Derek Young

Pierce County Councilmember. Serving Gig Harbor, Fox Island, Key Peninsula, Ruston, and parts of North and West Tacoma.

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