Council Schedule Highlights Week of April 10th, 2017

Derek Young
4 min readApr 9, 2017


Monday, APRIL 10th, 2017

1:30pm Public Safety, Human Services, and Budget

Dan Roach, Chair
Derek Young, Vice Chair
Connie Ladenburg
Jim McCune
Pam Roach

This meeting will be broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and on channel 20 (Rainier Connect) Electronic meeting material can be accessed at archives are available at

Proposal №2017–14, Fireworks — Emergency Conditions Ban An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Section 17C.60.230 of the Pierce County Code, “Fireworks,” to Authorize a Ban on the Discharge of Fireworks on an Emergency Basis During Periods of Extreme Weather Conditions; and Setting an Effective Date.

Sponsored by: Councilmember Derek Young

Originally this was going to be part of the ordinance below but staff felt that although they both deal with fireworks, the issue they are trying to tackle are really separate.

Although it’s hard to imagine at the moment with the last few months of sog, a couple years ago we had extreme drought conditions that created an especially high fire danger. I had joined the Council that year and was surprised to find that the County had not given authority to the Fire Marshall, granted in state law, to declare an emergency when conditions when even “safe and sane” fireworks are dangerous. Pierce County was dealing with significant fires in rural areas already, and the prospect of “urban interaction” wildfires was growing.

This ordinance directs the Fire Marshall to return to the Council with “scientifically valid, measurable criteria with which the determination of extreme fire danger may be based.”

Proposal №2017–15, Fireworks — Civil Penalties An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Section 17C.60.230 of the Pierce County Code, “Fireworks,” to Authorize the Issuance of Civil Infraction Citations for Violations.

Sponsored by: Councilmember Connie Ladenburg

One thing we’ve heard from the law enforcement is that they not only lack the resources to respond to illegal firework discharge, but that the current rules are in criminal code alone. That means they basically have to catch people in the act which is very unlikely.

This bill would allow the imposition of civil penalties. This approach has gained more compliance in other jurisdictions, though it’s unlikely we’ll ever make that big of a dent in the problem.

Study Session: Trueblood Competency Costs Presenter: Patti Jackson-Kidder — Bureau Chief, Corrections

Thanks to the State’s failure to adequately fund competency evaluations and restoration of criminal defendants, DSHS is scrambling to set up alternative facilities outside of Western & Eastern State Hospitals. The new facilities are far from Pierce County in Centralia and Yakima, so our jail is racking up even more overtime costs in order to provide transport. Not to mention the logistical issues that come from transporting seriously mentally ill inmates long distances.

Tuesday, APRIL 11th, 2017

12:00pm Tuesday Study Session

Discussion with County Assessor-Treasurer — Mike Lonergan

The Assessor-Treasurer comes up a couple times a year and always has some interesting information on property values in each part of the County.

3:00pm County Council Meeting

Proposal No. R2017–33, Proclamation — Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week A Resolution of the Pierce County Council and Executive Proclaiming the Week of April 9–15, 2017, as “Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week” in Pierce County, Washington.

Before joining the Council I didn’t appreciate how unbelievably difficult the job of an Animal Control Officer really is. They’re often forced into awful conditions, deal with abused or neglected animals, difficult owners, and more. The stories I’ve heard are tough, but they keep going.

As a result, each year we take a few minutes to show our appreciation.

Thursday, APRIL 13th, 2017

9:30am Special Meeting of the Flood Control Zone District Executive Board — CANCELLED

Rick Talbert, Chair
Dan Roach, Vice Chair
Derek Young, Member

This meeting is rescheduled for April 26th.

1:30pm Special Meeting of the Committee of the Whole

Douglas G. Richardson, Chair
Rick Talbert, Vice Chair
Dan Roach, Executive Pro Tempore
Connie Ladenburg
Jim McCune
Pam Roach
Derek Young

This meeting will be broadcast live and replayed on channel 22 (Comcast and Click! Network) and replayed on channel 78 (Rainier Connect). Electronic meeting material can be accessed at Video archives are available at

Proposal №2017–13, Budget Supplemental An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Ordinance №2016–65s2 as Amended by Ordinance №2016–93; Modifying the 2017 Pierce County Budget; and Amending the Pierce County Capital Facilities Plan Adopted Pursuant to Ordinance №2016–67s.

Sponsored by: Councilmembers Douglas G. Richardson and Derek Young

This is the second Committee of the Whole on the supplemental budget. We have one more scheduled. We’ll be introducing a substitute, but I’m not sure if it will be done in time for this one.

Given some recent weakness in the economy, I remain nervous about too much additional staff being added all at once, but there seems to be basic agreement on priorities.

My Weekly Calendar

Earlier this year we got a request for my forward looking calendar. Rather than have staff waste their time on public record requests, I’m just going to start publishing screen shots. Keep in mind, my schedule isn’t static. Things will get added, deleted, changed, etc. There are conflicts that I have to pick between. But if people want to see where I’m at and who I meet with, that’s fine by me.



Derek Young
Derek Young

Written by Derek Young

Pierce County Councilmember. Serving Gig Harbor, Fox Island, Key Peninsula, Ruston, and parts of North and West Tacoma.

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